How to Build Trust and Gain Autonomy

Luxi Huang, CFA
1 min readJan 29, 2020

How do I gain trust & autonomy? How do I get more important assignments? How do I get to the next level?’

These are questions I’ve heard (and have asked myself) many times. For those who want more trust, challenges and autonomy, I see this boiling down to 3 things:

  1. Stay consistent: delivering high-quality work EVERY. TIME.
  2. Take ownership: do whatever it takes (DIY or collaborate with others) to win / ship a product / reach goal
  3. Ask for help, AFTER you’ve brainstormed a couple of solution(s) yourself.

ps: Brene Brown explained #3 well in her book Dare to Lead. Asking for help is a sign of confidence, self-awareness, and desire to move things forward

We asked a thousand leaders to list marble-earning behaviors — what do your team members do that earn your trust? The common answer: asking for help.

When it comes to people who do not habitually ask for help, the leaders polled explain that they would not delegate important work to them because the leaders did not trust that they would raise hands and ask for help. Mind. Blown .

ps: of course, your manager is also on the hook to take initiatives to build trust. Topic for another post 😎



Luxi Huang, CFA

Product & Growth Leader ($0M-$70M+ ARR); reader, skier, forever learner, wife, mom.